How to use IKEv2 on iPhone

How to use IKEv2 on iPhone

Education using of LkEv2 in iPhone
Hello guys and welcome now in this education in a very short and simple way I want to
touch you how to use lkEv2 in the iPhone
For a starting you just need act like the taps in the down and do it in your mobile

  1. your first step you just need go to the setting in your mobile
  2. the second step you have to act like the picture in the down and go to the specified part
  1. third step click on the specified button like the picture

4.The fourth step after entering the page it will open a picture for you like in the down click
on the specified button

Okay now it will open a page like this for you interior information like the guidance

_put the type on the lkEv2
_you can’t put the description whatever you want
_Enter address one of the server that you have in the server and Remote ID
_let the local ID blank
_username on the authentication
_username, the username that you got from user panel
_the password is the password user that you got from the panel and in the end click on the
But now how we can connect?
After saving go back to the previous page , the page that you made your profile there and
click on the connect in order connect

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