How to use OPEN VPN on Windows

How to use OPEN VPN on Windows

In the name of Allah and then she
Hello my dear user in this post I wanna in a very fast and simple way touch you how to use
open VPN in a windows and I hope you got it well.
Okay for a start first you just need download the software
For download you have to go to this page
After download install it and after installing it for first time you will see something like the
picture in the down.

Go to the FILE tab and now you can drag and drop the file into the software or click
BROWSE and look for the server file in the files and select it.
For download this server you can go to this page that is in the down
After select A window like below will open for you.

Here it will ask you to enter your username and password .
Point: in order you don’t enter your username and password anytime you can click on the
save password and save your password.
After you enter it click on the connect button in order your connection start.

In the next time the list server it will open like in the down for you

For connect ,Just click on the specified tick .

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