Please be sure to read the rules carefully before making a purchase and payment. If you do not pay attention to the provisions, any losses from the Kaiga Ping collection will be forfeited!

    1.Our services are provided only to bypass internet sanctions and restrictions, and the consequences of any possible misuse of the services (political activities and watching porn videos, etc.) are the responsibility of the end user.

    2.Due to the increase in sanctions and filtering from inside and outside and the restriction of operators, if there is a disruption in the servers, it is completely normal and there is no external claim to provide 100% service without outages!

    3.Although the technical and support team has been successful up to now and the outage and disruption reports have been investigated and resolved as soon as possible, it is worth noting that there is a possibility of disruption in the servers at any moment and the duration of the disruption depends on the conditions at that time. from 15 minutes to a maximum of 12 hours). Therefore, keep this important in mind when ordering.

    4.Any unauthorized use of our site, including (crack, spam, hacking, etc.) is unacceptable and the user will be permanently banned from all our services. And if security issues are observed, the real information of the person will be used to register and organize a legal case if necessary!

    5.Entering your correct information was and is an important and necessary matter, and all notifications will be sent via phone number or email, and if we do not enter the information correctly, we will not be responsible for your problems!

    6.No user has the right to insult the support staff of the collection, and if seen, the person’s user account will be completely blocked, and all the assets of that person will be blocked!

    7.Buying a service from the collection means that you know how to use the service and you have no problem using it and you do not have the right to request a refund!

    8.Your purchase means that you have provided a test service and checked that there is no problem and you have made the final purchase and you have no right to request a refund!

    9.All servers, facilities and protocols may be updated, reduced or increased, and you have no right to object to this! This case is based solely on the decision of the management of the collection!

    10.Buying the final service means that you are fully aware of the internet and network problems and you accept that any problems after the purchase were and are related to you and have nothing to do with the Kaygaping group and you have no right to refund!

    The rules may be updated depending on the conditions, and if you approve these rules, it means that you completely agree with this.

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