Security, speed, quality

Kigaping ping reduction service

Kaigaping is one of the best ping reduction services in Iran, which provides its services based on its needs, namely gamers and programmers. Dear gamers, from now on, they can safely play their games with low ping and little delay using Kaigaping’s ping reduction service.

Kaigaping features

fixed ip or stake

In Kaigaping services, the IP is fixed and remains fixed in all conditions and does not change. This will make the game servers not sensitive to you and you will not be blocked!

Quality of servers

Kaiga Ping's ping reduction and embargo service servers guarantee the best quality for their users by benefiting from dedicated bandwidth for servers so that they can receive the lowest possible ping!

lifting the embargo

Today, many of the games and software required for Iranians have been banned and it is not possible to use them.

User security

In our services, we have tried to provide the highest possible level of security for our users so that no problem happens to our users, and the personal information of people is kept confidential!

Test and remove service embargo with

The following games and software

Kaigaping plans

Plus service

$ 1
  • Ability to register 10 devices at the same time
  • Support for 5 simultaneous protocols
  • Ability to connect to 14 different servers
  • Static IP support
  • Suitable for online games
  • Suitable for traders
  • Suitable for freelancers
  • Suitable for developers
1 month

Plus service

$ 2
  • Ability to register 10 devices at the same time
  • Support for 5 simultaneous protocols
  • Ability to connect to 14 different servers
  • Static IP support
  • Suitable for online games
  • Suitable for traders
  • Suitable for freelancers
  • Suitable for developers
2 months

Plus service

$ 3
  • Ability to register 10 devices at the same time
  • Support for 5 simultaneous protocols
  • Ability to connect to 14 different servers
  • Static IP support
  • Suitable for online games
  • Suitable for traders
  • Suitable for freelancers
  • Suitable for developers
3 months

Your frequently asked questions

Kaigaping is a service created and developed by the Kaiga development team.

The task of this service is to route and bypass international sanctions so that Iranian users can easily access their essential and important services.

This service uses a variety of secure and restricted VPN protocols. But this does not mean that the user can use this service freely, this service is completely restricted and secured so that users can enjoy more security, especially parents can more confidently allow this to their children to play and play. Be more secure.

This service was created and paid for only to remove the embargo of important and user-friendly games and software, and it has features such as reducing ping and lag in the game and bypassing the embargo.

Kaygaping has no effect on your network status. We are not your internet service provider! If your internet has fluctuating and other problems, it is better to ask your internet provider about this.

We only provide you with some kind of connection and service so that you can reach your destination game servers with higher quality.

Kaygaping has no effect on your network status. We are not your internet service provider! If your internet has fluctuating and other problems, it is better to ask your internet provider about this.

We only provide you with some kind of connection and service so that you can reach your destination game servers with higher quality.

Kaygaping has no effect on your network status. We are not your internet service provider! If your internet has fluctuating and other problems, it is better to ask your internet provider about this.

We only provide you with some kind of connection and service so that you can reach your destination game servers with higher quality.

No, Kaiga Ping service is not DNS in any way. But it uses different DNS for routing both in servers and services!

Also, this service cannot be used as a filter breaker or VPN to pass filtering! This service, as already announced, is a service to bypass the embargo of games and international embargoes.

Yes, in special circumstances, dear users, in case of dissatisfaction, you can get back the amount you paid from us.

But are these conditions in the form? You can refer to this page to receive and view these conditions.

Dear people, you can receive all or part of your payment from Kaigaping.

Yes, dear ones, you can download the internet from this service. But it depends on the quality of your connection with our servers. And of course fixed internet has better connection quality.

Why Kigaping?

Unlike others, we tried to provide the best for our customers, the best servers with the lowest possible ping in Iran.

Suppose you are a streamer and you have a high internet speed, but because of the low speed of the VPN used, you cannot use all the capacity. Fortunately, this is not the case with our servers!

We do not have speed limits on servers, and of course servers are limited in terms of user connection capacity, that’s why we have high speed of 150 megabytes for 4G internet.

Number of customers
+ 0
Number of servers
+ 0


Customer Satisfaction

Number of locations
+ 0

Why Kigaping?

Many of you, dear ones, are reviewing in your mind whether this service is suitable or not.

We have to tell you that we do not buy *DNS to reduce ping* and DNS is not made to reduce ping at all! DNS means domain name server or domain name server and has nothing to do with reducing ping.

Our service is a restricted and secured VPN so that you users can use this server to reduce the ping of online games and nothing else.

Another point is that today in Iran we have many problems such as blocking or restricting traffic entry and exit routes, and this causes traffic and a decrease in the quality of the Internet, which is not acceptable at all, and this has a negative effect on our ping. It is in online games.

We tried to create a higher quality for the user by using different and private routing, such as a dedicated bandwidth in which only our users travel from Iran to their destination.

Buying a server to reduce ping does not mean that everything is ok. No, one of the most important factors that you should consider is how good or bad your internal internet connection is.

You can check this by taking the ping of our servers, if the ping of our servers is suitable, then you can say that this service is suitable.


Created with Fabric.js 5.2.4

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